Kid and Pet Safe What Does That Mean to You?

In 2007, Mr. Sandless was contacted by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. This world renowned hospital wanted all of the benches and handrails throughout the hospital refinished. Before work could commence, CHOP had to be sure that the Mr. Sandless system was safe for the many children that get the incredible care they provide.

A team of health inspectors examined all of the solutions and finishes used in our system, read all of our technical data including the MSDS sheets, and watched us perform a sample of our unique service. We were deemed “safe for hospital use” and were able to perform our service on all levels of the hospital. The only safety feature used was caution tape! We even worked outside the operating room while delicate brain surgery was being performed. Mr. Sandless refinished all of the woodwork with not a single incident or disruption!

In 2012, five years later, Mr. Sandless is back servicing Children’s Hospital. Once again, solutions used in our service were inspected, and once again, we were deemed safe for hospital use!

Your health and safety and the health and safety of your family and pets should come as the top priority when considering wood floor refinishing. Choose wisely!

Certified Green Finishes What Does That Mean to You?

A finish is judged on its “VOC” rating. In order to be considered green, a finish must have a VOC lower than 100. What is VOC? It is the volatile organic compounds that are released into the air as the finish dries and cures. Why is this important to you? Some finishes continue to pour compounds into the air as they cure for days, weeks and even months. You could be breathing in these compounds all during that time.

Mr. Sandless finishes are under the VOC rating of 100! Our finishes cure very quickly so that you are not breathing in harmful chemicals while the finish cures. With nearly a decade of service to tens of thousands of customers serviced, Mr. Sandless has never received a complaint in company history of residual odor after our service!

See our certification here


Mr. Sandless A Totally Green System!

The EPA lists “sanding dust” as carcinogenic, and in fact, dust from sanding floors is a known human carcinogen. There are so very many potential toxins in wood dust from sanding that breathing in the dust is dangerous. In California, the state makes sanding companies post a warning that dust from sanding can cause cancer. Mr. Sandless hears from clients all the time who say they sanded in the past and are still cleaning up the dust not knowing that the very dust they are cleaning up is dangerous to them.

Many finishes that can be used in sand refinishing have cancer causing ingredients.

On top of all this, there is a fire hazard from traditional sanding. Just recently, a home burned down from the floors being sanded.

Because Mr. Sandless refinishes without sanding, you are guaranteed a safe refinishing for you, your family, your pets and the environment. With the incredible results we get, there is no better way to refinish your floors! Give us a call today!

Mr. Sandless Certified Lead Safe!

Mr. Sandless is a certified “Lead-Safe” firm by the Environmental Protection Agency, certification # NAT-21021-0. All Mr. Sandless system trainers are certified in lead safe refinishing.

See our certification here

*Some services are not offered at every location. Contact your local dealer for more information.

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